Pacific Basin

Formerly located on one and one half floors of Hutchison House in Central, Pacific Basin now call the entire top floor of One Island South their home.

The new premises totals more than 30,000 square feet in area but features only five enclosed offices for a total of 210 staff. Everyone else is seated at height-adjustable, 120 degree desks in pod formations of 3, 6 or 9.

During the initial planning, the design team proposed to locate the conference and meeting rooms at the corner of the floor-plate nearest to the lift lobby, but management decided otherwise: this area – with the best views of Aberdeen Harbour and Ocean Park – became the café, or, in keeping with the nautical theme of the office, the Galley.

Unenclosed and visually linked to reception, the Galley quickly became the lively focal point for tea and coffee breaks, lunches, casual meetings with clients and vendors, as well as for Town Halls – when the entire company gathers for short announcements, presentations and other group events.


Pacific Basin


One Island South


Design + Build