Established in Hong Kong in 2001, PTS combine years of information technology expertise with an in-depth knowledge of the Hong Kong and PRC markets to provide their clients with enhanced IT solutions.

Their relocation to new, high-ceilinged premises on the top floor of Wing On Centre in Sheung Wan gave them an opportunity to both expand their headcount and to consolidate their local operations under one roof.

The design is open and bright and incorporates a striped bamboo floor ‘spine’ that connects the two sides of the office. This unusual finish also extends into the conference room and two smaller meeting areas opposite.

The most striking feature here is the illuminated Union Jack – Barrisol – ceiling over the conference table, a distinct nod to the company’s British roots. The colours here are repeated in cabinetry and other features elsewhere, in a continued reference to the PTS heritage.




Wing On Centre


Design + Project Management