HKND Group

A recent addition to our shores is the HKND Group, a low-profile investment firm in a high-profile harbour-front building.

The company acquired most of one floor of Two IFC and fitted out their premises to a very high standard, using light coloured materials that contrast with a heavily rusticated, raked stone wall at the entry gallery. This was created to suggest the rough wall of a new canal – which was to have been carved across Nicaragua – and is punctuated with multi-media display panels.

To ensure visual privacy in the more public areas, the curvilinear boardroom wall was fitted with sheets of electronic glass. As a counterpoint to the overall clarity and seriousness of the environment, a playfully coloured set of lockers was also provided, into which guests are asked to store their smart phones and other electronic devices before attending any confidential meetings.

For additional security at the back-of-house, each of the private offices can only be accessed, and exited, by using a proximity card reader.


HKND Group




Design + Build